Data Prep and Read QC

Let’s create the directory structure to hold our results and define some variables for convenience:

mkdir ~/mapping-variantcalling
mkdir -p $MYDATA/reads; mkdir -p $MYDATA/ref
mkdir -p $MYRESULTS/fastqc; mkdir -p $MYRESULTS/log; mkdir -p $MYRESULTS/qc; mkdir -p $MYRESULTS/mapping

We will start with a single isolate, ERS050945 and then scale-up the analysis for all of the 99 isolates. We will define first a variable for the path to the folder with the source data and the precalculated results. We will then copy the data into our folder structure we created above:

cp $SRCBASE/data/reads/${sample}_*.fastq $MYDATA/reads/
cp $SRCBASE/data/ref/* $MYDATA/ref

Generate a fastqc report:

fastqc $MYDATA/reads/${sample}_R1.fastq
fastqc $MYDATA/reads/${sample}_R2.fastq

Inspect the read quality profile and pick quality trimming parameters. Quality trim reads using sickle:

sickle pe -t sanger -q 30 -l 50 -n 5 \
-f $MYDATA/reads/${sample}_R1.fastq -r $MYDATA/reads/${sample}_R2.fastq \
-o $MYRESULTS/qc/${sample}_qced_R1.fastq -p $MYRESULTS/qc/${sample}_qced_R2.fastq \
-s $MYRESULTS/qc/${sample}_single.fastq 1> $MYRESULTS/log/${sample}.sickle.log

Question: How many paired reads remain after quality trimming? (hint: inspect the sickle command above and try to guess where that information might be)