Data Sets¶

The datasets we will use are sequencing reads from M. tuberculosis genome generated using Illumina and PacBio platforms. For the Illumina platform, there are two sets of reads covering the same library at 20X and 60X coverage. We will also use a reference assembly for M. tuberculosis H37Rv (NC_000962.3). H37Rv genome is 4411532 bp long.

The datasets are located under /home/mtb_upm/mtb_genomics_workshop_data/genome-assembly-annotation/data directory, which has the following content:

File Content
MTB_illumina60X_R1.fastq 60X coverage run, Illumina short reads, forward
MTB_illumina60X_R2.fastq 60X coverage run, Illumina short reads, forward
MTB_illumina20X_R1.fastq 20X coverage run, Illumina short reads, forward
MTB_illumina20X_R2.fastq 20X coverage run, Illumina short reads, forward
MTB_pacbio_circular-consensus-sequence-reads.fastq PacBio long reads, circular consensus sequence
NC_000962.3.fna Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv reference assembly, 4411532 bp, linear